MEEEE!!! Finally got my internet hooked back up! I am so stoked! I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas! We did! I got the only thing I wanted, A Kindle Fire, but I've had it since Christmas night and just got to play with it yesterday. The kids got A TON of stuff. The best was probably a kitchen. And, of course, I got Jerry what he wanted, a computer. Just a little 10 inch acer but that was what he wanted. All in all we had a wonderful Christmas.
Last Sunday (Dec. 18) was mine and Jerry's 7th wedding anniversary. I was simple with my request.... The Breaking Dawn soundtrack and the Breaking Dawn movie companion. I LOVE them. :) Jerry wanted an old Hitman game and I actually bought it for him back in October. So all smiles.
I do have a story to share though. We got engaged on December 23, 2003 and married on December 18, 2004. We were 18 and 19 when we married. We didn't have a lot of money so Jerry got me a simple diamond ring and we had simple matching gold wedding bands. Here's a pic.
Well, when we got married we said that for our 10 year anniversary, we would treat ourselves to new wedding sets. We would pick out what we want and get it. Of course, nothing over extravagant cause, well duh, we cannot afford a 10K diamond! LOL About a month ago, I was flipping through a Kay Jewelers catalogue and found what I wanted. I showed it to him, pointed it out and even circled it in the book so he would know. A couple days after our anniversary, he surprised me! 3 years early!!!
I LOVE IT! Now, it will probably take me until our 10th anniversary to pay it off but oh well! They didn't have one in my size so I had to take it back and have it resized. I am so excited and cannot wait till I get it back and can wear it!
I'm done bragging now, guess it's time for pictures!
Hope your Holidays were wonderful!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Pictures ORDERED!
Finally got enough money saved up to order the kids 12 month pictures! I spent a ton of money!
Here are the 2 I bought the rights too. Enjoy!
Oh and we used the family pic for our Christmas Card. Not pictured? Our Loki Kitty.
Here are the 2 I bought the rights too. Enjoy!
Oh and we used the family pic for our Christmas Card. Not pictured? Our Loki Kitty.
So I forgot...
Tomorrow (December 18th) is mine and Jerry's 7th wedding anniversary. I have so much to speak about this. Some good, some bad. Life has become so complicated around our household and I feel the need to vent but right now, I am sleepy and I will be woken up wayyyyyy too early here in a few hours for mom's surgery. So Goodnight.
I'll leave you with my beautiful boy. This pic makes me smile!
I'll leave you with my beautiful boy. This pic makes me smile!
Gah I miss you, let's play catch up.
I've got so much catching up to do! Being without the internet sucks so bad. I should catch up a little tonight cause right now I am at the hospital with my mom. She is having gallbladder surgery in about 6 hours so I am staying at the hospital with her tonight. I left Jerry at home (over 2 hours away) with the kids. Maybe they won't kill him.
Let's start with Halloween. The week before we took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin. It was so much fun! We loved it! On Halloween, Jerry, Mom and I took the little Lion and little Bumble Bee to the church for Trunk or Treat. They had a pretty good time. After we took them to see Jerry's mom and dad. Not a huge Halloween. They were still little this year. Next year will be wild, I can tell.
Just for fun... My silly son showing off his abs and my sweet baby girl with her wild after bath hair!

Thanksgiving weekend was pretty good. We had a family get together like 3 out of the 4 days. Nothing major happened. It went pretty smoothly actually. So here are a few pix to document that.
This was the dreaded day of the 15 month checkup. Don't they look so darn cute? Well, they were HORRIBLE at the doctor! Screaming, Fighting, TEMPER TANTRUM. It was a wonder we made it through. God Bless us next doctor's appointment.
AND..... of course we saw Santa. They screamed when they got close to him. So after much sitting in the floor of Wal-Mart watching other kids see him, they got brave and walked over in front of him, but only with mommy and daddy by their side. So we have a family Santa pic!
I think I've brought you up to speed. I miss writing. I have tons more to cover but it's after 1 am and my mom will be having surgery soon so I need to try and get some rest. So ta ta for now, hope to talk to ya soon!
Let's start with Halloween. The week before we took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin. It was so much fun! We loved it! On Halloween, Jerry, Mom and I took the little Lion and little Bumble Bee to the church for Trunk or Treat. They had a pretty good time. After we took them to see Jerry's mom and dad. Not a huge Halloween. They were still little this year. Next year will be wild, I can tell.
Just for fun... My silly son showing off his abs and my sweet baby girl with her wild after bath hair!

Thanksgiving weekend was pretty good. We had a family get together like 3 out of the 4 days. Nothing major happened. It went pretty smoothly actually. So here are a few pix to document that.
This was the dreaded day of the 15 month checkup. Don't they look so darn cute? Well, they were HORRIBLE at the doctor! Screaming, Fighting, TEMPER TANTRUM. It was a wonder we made it through. God Bless us next doctor's appointment.
I think I've brought you up to speed. I miss writing. I have tons more to cover but it's after 1 am and my mom will be having surgery soon so I need to try and get some rest. So ta ta for now, hope to talk to ya soon!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Well, I miss you.
I am so sorry I've been MIA. With all of our financial problems, the Internet was one thing that had to go. I miss writing. It's been over a month and I will have so much to make up for when we finally get the Internet cut back on.
I have missed Halloween, Thanksgiving and probably most important, the premier of BREAKING DAWN! I've seen it twice and I'm sure will go again. For now, I am using my mother's computer and Internet access to write this but hopefully soon, I will be back and in the swing of things.
For you who keep up with me, thank you and I will talk to ya soon!
I have missed Halloween, Thanksgiving and probably most important, the premier of BREAKING DAWN! I've seen it twice and I'm sure will go again. For now, I am using my mother's computer and Internet access to write this but hopefully soon, I will be back and in the swing of things.
For you who keep up with me, thank you and I will talk to ya soon!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Not a moment too soon.
Have ya missed me? A week and a half with out TV, Internet and Phone and I'm still alive, barely. Don't ask me how I am blogging, that's my little secret. :) Kidding. We had another yard sale this past weekend as well, only this time it was at my in-laws house in the next city. They live on a main road and we ended up doing pretty well. If we had a WHOLE lot of crap, then it would pay more than unemployment! LOL. We have all been or is getting sick. Last Friday the kiddos were feeling cruddy and by Monday, Jerry was sick. Monday afternoon, the kids were still sick and worse so we took them to the DR and Bella has an ear infection and Kaleb was only a day or 2 behind so they put them both on antibiotics. Amoxicillian. That stuff tastes so good! Yesterday, Jerry and I was trying to find a way to get TV again. We finally found somewhere we could afford because yesterday morning he had an interview that went very well and they pretty much told him he had the job. They were gonna do a background check and call him back. After we searched out TV carriers, he left to run a few errand and while he was out, got a call from another place about a job and they paid better, Monday thru Friday 7-3 or 8-4 and wanted him to start TODAY! Yes, TODAY! So he went in an he seems to like it so far. 2 jobs in a day and one month with no call... it's so weird how things work out. We did go last week for Jerry to get taped for the Army and he was still a little over so he couldn't go. Maybe that was destiny because he was working so hard to make his measurements. I feel like I wanna sigh with the weight that has been lifted but there is the pressure of making the bills now that we are behind. It's a never ending cycle. I've been having a hard time this last week thinking about Christmas. I know people will understand if we cannot afford to get something but the good new about no income was they we were about to get a little more EBT money. I think for Christmas I am gonna bake goodies for every one and put them in a cute little tin. I think I will enjoy doing that and I will still be able to give something to the people I care about. I even have a list of everything I wanna make, I just have to print out the recipes and make a grocery list... a little closer to Christmas.
Of course I have more pix! My mom and I went to Wal-Mart this past Sunday and got the kiddos some tennis shoes. They are precious! So I have a couple of those and a couple for fun!
Of course I have more pix! My mom and I went to Wal-Mart this past Sunday and got the kiddos some tennis shoes. They are precious! So I have a couple of those and a couple for fun!
My Sharp Dressed Man!
We are a BAMA family here! ROLL TiDE!
(Bella normally doesn't wear bibs unless she is eating but she had a terrible runny nose and sometimes wiping with a bib is quicker than a tissue. Especially during a yard sale!)

Sunday, October 2, 2011
It happened.
So the last few entries, I've been hoping and praying that my next one would be good news. Well, it isn't. Jerry is still looking for a job. He had a few promising talks but so far nothing has come of any of it. He contacted the district manager of Hardee's last week and they are looking for GM's in a local store and some about an hour away. Either way, we wouldn't have to move. Those are good paying jobs too and he has restaurant management experience, but they are not GM experience so I don't know how it will turn out. He sent in his resume and I'm hoping for a call this week. We did talk to the recruiter, and it went surprisingly well. Of course he is supposed to make it 'feel' like it's a great decision but he really didn't sugar coat anything for me. Jerry would have signed the papers right then if he could have. The recruiter took his measurements and he has to loose 2-3 inches around his mid-section to enlist. He has been cutting calories and walking/jogging ever since. I love this motivation. I've even tried the dieting, not as strict as him, just cutting back but I have went along on the walks and jogs. Maybe I can get in shape too and at least, physically, I will feel better. But as the title say 'It happened'. I called and put all possible payments to anything on hold. I took the house off automatic draft because I knew it wouldn't be paid. We were able to defer one car payment so we will not have on this month. We got a small credit on our cell bill because of our situation AND we made a split decision last week to have a yard sale this weekend to pay our house payment BUT the home phone/cable/Internet bundle? We lost it. We got up early Friday morning for the yard sale (4 am early) and at around 4:30, I was on FB posting about the yard sale and all was well. About 7 am I was outside yard sale-in and I was trying to get on FB on my phone and my wireless wasn't connecting and I just thought I was too far away. Later the phone rang and it was answered and it was for Jerry. He was out at an interview so when I hung up I tried to call him from the house phone and it said it was disconnected. I can receive calls until like Oct. 15th but I cannot make them from my home phone. Jerry got home and I told him and he asked about the TV. I said I wasn't sure so he came inside to check. Sure enough, TV was off too. We tried to see if we could just get the TV hooked back up but we can't. We cannot even pay a portion of the bill. Other wireless services are saving my Internet right now, but mine is disconnected. We at least need the Internet so Jerry can still look for jobs online. As for the yard sale, we made just enough for the house payment. We are having one again this Saturday at my in laws. She lives on a main road in the next city so maybe we will do well. I hope so. We had lots of stuff left.
Ya know, I KNEW it was bad but actually having something cut off by the providers just seals it for me. Friday night I cried and cried. Not because we lost our cable and phone, we can live without those thing, but because it made this whole situation just all too real. I was still holding out hope but it never came. It just discourages everything. We worked so hard and it's just like it was for nothing. Jerry's answer is still the army. I think I am OK with that. He WANTS to do it and who am I to tell him he can't do something? But at the same time, I want my kids to be close to their grandparents. I want to still be close to home. If he wanted to do this back when it was just me and him, I would have rushed him to sign the papers. But now it isn't and Kaleb and Bella will suffer too if WE make this decision. I don't know what I want at this point. It's so hard to be positive when you have to at least figure out how to pay the house payment, car payment, car insurance, utilities, cell phone, gas, and groceries every month. That's the bare minimum. I'm just lost on what to do, so I guess I'll stop here and of course give you guys some pix.
A friend of mine posted on FB that she was giving away some Halloween costumes her kids had. I was 1st to comment! I need 2 of the 4 because I didn't know if my kids were gonna even get costumes this year because of all this. She brought them to me Saturday and my mother in law HAD to try them on while we were out having the yard sale! Enjoy.
Ya know, I KNEW it was bad but actually having something cut off by the providers just seals it for me. Friday night I cried and cried. Not because we lost our cable and phone, we can live without those thing, but because it made this whole situation just all too real. I was still holding out hope but it never came. It just discourages everything. We worked so hard and it's just like it was for nothing. Jerry's answer is still the army. I think I am OK with that. He WANTS to do it and who am I to tell him he can't do something? But at the same time, I want my kids to be close to their grandparents. I want to still be close to home. If he wanted to do this back when it was just me and him, I would have rushed him to sign the papers. But now it isn't and Kaleb and Bella will suffer too if WE make this decision. I don't know what I want at this point. It's so hard to be positive when you have to at least figure out how to pay the house payment, car payment, car insurance, utilities, cell phone, gas, and groceries every month. That's the bare minimum. I'm just lost on what to do, so I guess I'll stop here and of course give you guys some pix.
A friend of mine posted on FB that she was giving away some Halloween costumes her kids had. I was 1st to comment! I need 2 of the 4 because I didn't know if my kids were gonna even get costumes this year because of all this. She brought them to me Saturday and my mother in law HAD to try them on while we were out having the yard sale! Enjoy.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Praying hard.
Jerry has yet to find work. We are not sure what to do. He has looked for jobs in other states, he has got paper work ready to apply for driving school and go over the road and we have an appointment with a recruiter this Tuesday. I'm trying to stay strong, but the bank accounts are empty. I've called and put all possible payments on hold, including our home but only for 30 days. We've had a very tough 2 years and this is by far the worst it has been. I just, I don't see the light. I don't know what else to do but pray. I know that this is so hard for us but in the end I know that it will be Kaleb and Bella who suffer. I don't care if I don't eat for a month if they can have food and diapers but that's just it, I don't know that they will have that.
I am sitting here watching MY SISTER'S KEEPER. I really do love this movie. It's beautiful. This movie makes me count my blessings. My babies are healthy and that is wonderful. I hope and pray I never have to wonder if my child will die tomorrow. I thank God for their health. They are full of life and energy. They laugh and giggle and they have NO idea what is going on. That, I am happy for.
I don't know if I want the appointment with the recruiter to go well or not. That idea scares the hell out of me. I know if Jerry joined the military, we would be taken care of, for life.... yet I am scared to be without him. A few days at a time, I probably need, but I don't know if I am mentally ready for a deployment.
I think I would really love to go back to high school. Life was so much more simple then. Being an adult and making hard decisions suck. Really and truly, the military decision isn't hard. 2 years ago, he sould have signed up when we went back then to talk to a recruiter. It was just me and him, now there is Kaleb and Bella. I just don't know how I will take it, knowing they maybe missing out on family life here at our home.
I don't know.... I am praying, hard. Maybe I can update soon with some good news. I'll leave you with a pic of Kaleb that I took yesterday and it makes me LOL so hard.
I am sitting here watching MY SISTER'S KEEPER. I really do love this movie. It's beautiful. This movie makes me count my blessings. My babies are healthy and that is wonderful. I hope and pray I never have to wonder if my child will die tomorrow. I thank God for their health. They are full of life and energy. They laugh and giggle and they have NO idea what is going on. That, I am happy for.
I don't know if I want the appointment with the recruiter to go well or not. That idea scares the hell out of me. I know if Jerry joined the military, we would be taken care of, for life.... yet I am scared to be without him. A few days at a time, I probably need, but I don't know if I am mentally ready for a deployment.
I think I would really love to go back to high school. Life was so much more simple then. Being an adult and making hard decisions suck. Really and truly, the military decision isn't hard. 2 years ago, he sould have signed up when we went back then to talk to a recruiter. It was just me and him, now there is Kaleb and Bella. I just don't know how I will take it, knowing they maybe missing out on family life here at our home.
I don't know.... I am praying, hard. Maybe I can update soon with some good news. I'll leave you with a pic of Kaleb that I took yesterday and it makes me LOL so hard.
That's some mean eatin'!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Wagon Wheels, A Playroom & Life
I may not be on much longer, well at least only from time to time. Jerry has yet to find work and I'm sure unless there is a God send within the week, the Internet will be gone. Therefore, I am gonna try and get a few entries in, especially some new pix. The kids got a very nice wagon from MawMaw and PawPaw Jones for their birthday so Jerry put it together the other day for them. They next day we went for a ride! They seemed to really enjoy it and I had fun pulling it. Here are a few pix to AW at! :)
Hope ya enjoyed the pictures. I am hoping and praying that I will soon be able to update with some good news. I am so sick and tired of bad news. It makes me down and it makes jumping off a cliff look appealing and I don't like that feeling. I just want life to finally deal us a hand we can run with. I am so tired of losing and now it's not just us, it's the kids too.
We had our juice so it was ALL good!
Unfortunately, I didn't take any before pix of the spare bedroom we transformed into a playroom. We took out both dressers, the bed, nightstand and my vanity and put ALL the kids toys and toy chest in there along with the baby gate in the doorway. Jerry calls it their jail cell but they really enjoy it and my living room and dining room isn't a mess any more! We were able to move the dining room table back in the house too! Never realized how much I missed it! Maybe now I can start on the kids baby book. Yea a whole year and I haven't even done a page. Bad huh? Here are some pix of the playroom and some after they destroy it.
Didya see my cat in one of the pictures? :) Here are just a few more just because. We are an Alabama Crimson Tide family! These were this past Saturday!
Apparently Bella said something funny!
Hope ya enjoyed the pictures. I am hoping and praying that I will soon be able to update with some good news. I am so sick and tired of bad news. It makes me down and it makes jumping off a cliff look appealing and I don't like that feeling. I just want life to finally deal us a hand we can run with. I am so tired of losing and now it's not just us, it's the kids too.
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